Basics of Forking Fotografer
Our fotografic fork is of many tines.

City & its streets, countryside & its roads, architecture & its details, people & [ their ]
nature, four legged companions & their Zoo brothers +++

The sunny side of being a forking fotografer: we never get bored. The cloudy side: they say, we are hard to identify with a particular photographic genre.

Travel bugs
We love to travel, no matter where to. We enjoy both the city and the nature.

When we’re 64
By then we might trade our fork for a chopstick.

Visiting this blog is the most useful waste of time!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Him and Her

February 14th.

Just wait till tomorrow ...

Wait till Internet chokes on wholeheartedly pink ribboned teddy bears
stuffed with meaningless commitments, coated in milk chocolate.

Just wait till tomorrow ...

Wait till you finish making all these calls on that special section of
your phone book. Or run all the special errands.

Just wait till tomorrow ...

Need a reason to express feelings to your loved ones ?
Need a reason to manifest it with consumables on 
a certain calendar date ?

Love doesn't need any reason.

( All images are clickable )
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana
Riegelmann Boardwalk Brooklyn, New York
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana
Manhattan NYC, New York
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana
Savannah, Georgia
Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana
Somewhere in Florida
Riegelmann Boardwalk Brooklyn, New York
French Quarter Charleston, South Carolina
Manhattan NYC, New York
Riegelmann Boardwalk Brooklyn, New York
Riegelmann Boardwalk Brooklyn, New York
4th Street Cleveland, OH
Manhattan NYC, New York
Manhattan NYC, New York

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13/2/13 16:37

    В некоторых слышна музыка. Разная)))


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