Basics of Forking Fotografer
Our fotografic fork is of many tines.

City & its streets, countryside & its roads, architecture & its details, people & [ their ]
nature, four legged companions & their Zoo brothers +++

The sunny side of being a forking fotografer: we never get bored. The cloudy side: they say, we are hard to identify with a particular photographic genre.

Travel bugs
We love to travel, no matter where to. We enjoy both the city and the nature.

When we’re 64
By then we might trade our fork for a chopstick.

Visiting this blog is the most useful waste of time!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Searching for light in the darkness ( Part I )

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good:
and God divided the light from the darkness." (Genesis)

... with 254 shades of grey in between.

Some time after that, another guy - a painter and inventor   

Antoine Hercule Romuald Florence - began to study ways 
of drawing with the light, literally photographia
attempting to permanently fix images produced by camera 

Since then photographers are restlessly wandering in search 

of light, for otherwise darkness is upon the face of the deep, 
despite sensitivity of the modern digital backs.

We are no different, presenting you with what we found 

with the light we found.

( All images are clickable )
Church, Covington Kentucky.
Canal Street street car line, New Orleans Louisiana
Street lantern and window light. Mobile Alabama.
42 Street / Bryant Park Manhatten NYC
Street lantern, New Orleans Louisiana
Lights & shadows, New Orleans Louisiana
Inside up,  Mobile Alabama
Hibernia Bank Building, New Orleans Louisiana
French Market District, New Orleans Louisiana
East 4th Street, Cleveland Ohio
Full moon over high voltage cables, Bethesda Maryland
Neon Lights, New Orleans Louisiana
Street light, Cleveland OH
( To be contunued )

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