Basics of Forking Fotografer
Our fotografic fork is of many tines.

City & its streets, countryside & its roads, architecture & its details, people & [ their ]
nature, four legged companions & their Zoo brothers +++

The sunny side of being a forking fotografer: we never get bored. The cloudy side: they say, we are hard to identify with a particular photographic genre.

Travel bugs
We love to travel, no matter where to. We enjoy both the city and the nature.

When we’re 64
By then we might trade our fork for a chopstick.

Visiting this blog is the most useful waste of time!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Deconstructing the Capitol

(Continued from Part 1 & Part 2)

We are on the East Side.
 “Progress of Civilization” greats the Sun. 
Crawford’s America ubiquitously leads the process, eclipsing the Sun, 
towards “Apothesis of Democracy”, calling it the day. 
“Progress of Civilization”
Cast-iron dome has a facelift appointment to iron its some 1300 “wrinkles”.
Its grandeur carries a hefty inflation prorated price tag, which a set of 1828 
sandstone Corinthians couldn’t afford.
New regiment of marble clones has been hired in 1958. 
It took a “maecenas” to find “La Garde Impériale” a noble resting
ground at National Arboretum in 1984
At the end of the same day, not much, besides their approximate “birthday”, 
has identified bronze lamps decorating Capitol’s East: 1876.
Capitol East Lights

Capitol East Lights
Capitol East Lights
So, here it is, # 6 on the “America’s Favorite Architecture” chart, deconstructed 
into our favorite pieces.
East Capitol Stairs

Imagine a dialog:
- You have frequently seen these steps. 
- Then how many are there? 
- How many? I don't know
- Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point ...
(Sherlock Holmes, "A Scandal in Bohemia")

For better viewing click on a photograph or go to The United States Capitol photo album
© photography services in DC Metro Area: product, headshots, children, family, events.

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